Check it out. I SO WISH I was one of those super cool bloggers that gets to review stuff before it EVEN COMES OUT. I am so jealous. SO VERY JEALOUS. I mean Vintage Vixen by China Glaze is my dream come true as far as polish colors go and it is simply KILLING ME to see everyone else posting their review swatches. I want to scream from the rooftops, "CHINA GLAZE I LOVE YOU, PLEASE THINK I AM COOL, AND HERE IS MY MAILING ADDRESS!".
I need the vintage vixen collection like I need coffee ok, I need it from deep within the depths of my soul. And even more than needing to own the polish, I long for the chance to get my hands on them for review before anyone else does, and post swatches for all to see while yelling out, "NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!"
But since I am NOT in the fashion loop and I am NOT one of those cool bloggers *grumble* here are some stank, old, boring swatches of stuff that has been out FOREVER. Zoya neutrals commin' up!
Love. perfect in 2 coats. This wore like iron. What a great shade of putty, I want walls this color.

This is basically Amanda with a drop of yellow. 3 coats though.
I will never wear this. 4 coats pictured and makes my hands look "dirty".
My new favorite pale pink! 2 smooth coats, this one goes on the "wear often" shelf next to Amanda.
3 coater, meh. I am not a fan of shimmer in neutral polishes.
This is really dark/warm/yellow for me as far as neutrals but I like it anyway! 2 coats.
I have always liked Zoya. Great dry time, long lasting, cool colors, the bottles RULE, but GOOD LORD their customer service is the SUCK. Once again they messed up my order. I got 36 bottles...that's 6 full mini Zoya boxes. Now you would THINK that Vitali would notice a problem when all 6 boxes aren't FULL. Does Vitali always pack yalls orders too? lol. So. Out of 36 colors take a WILD guess which color they left out. Just GUESS. YEP, Zoya Ariel, the one named the same as my step daughter. AWESOME.
Love, MM
PS- Zoya's are still totally worth it.
Haha, I think that too sometimes. I wish I was so cool that they would want me to review their products. Vintage Vixen...I've never lusted after a collection so much as that one.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have to agree Vintage Vixen is my most wanted ever collection...I mean just GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I need it nowa!
ReplyDeleteLOL I'm with you - I don't care how bad the customer service is - it's totally worth it!! The first order I got took forever to get to me because they didn't have the suite number on the shipping form. They had to send it back to Zoya and then they changed the shipping addy to my home. *sigh* I was so bugged - but all that disappeared as soon as I opened the box. Piper is really pretty but I usually don't go for neutral.
ReplyDeleteDash a quick email to ChG with your blog addy & ask to be a reviewer. You have 400 followers so there should be no reason why they should say no.
ReplyDeleteI am dying to get my hands on some VV too. But if it's any consolation you're my fav polish blogger hands down. I save your posts for last in my Google Reader because I like to read them the best. <3 You deserve some ChG lovin!!!!
ReplyDeleteContact China Glaze! Their PR rep is awesomely nice.
ReplyDeleteI wish someone would let me review their stuff. Of course, I'm not much of a swatcher, so that is probably why. Plus I'm a nobody in terms of blogging.... maybe someday.
ReplyDeleteHey! We tagged you for an award!
Nail Addicts Anonymous
So, there are a few bloggers with (oh dear, I'm prob going to be MASSACRED for what comes next) with nasty looking nails and TERRIBLE pics that get this shit in advance to review. I see no reason why you shouldn't. Perhaps I should email CG on your behalf ... I'd much rather see your nails ... ;)
ReplyDeletePS, I've felt that way before too, but I suck at blogging and have like NO followers, soooo ... LOL!