Saturday, July 24, 2010

Vintage Vixen Swatches

Here are swatches of the 10 polishes I got from the Vintage Vixen Collection.  I skipped classic camel and goin' my way, but I'm sure I'll buy them at some point. 
 I think I hyped myself up WAY too much over these because now that I have them I'm kind of disappointed. I just feel "meh" about the whole collection.  I think I definitely built it up too much in my head while waiting so honestly nothing really would have been good enough. I mean I like them and everything they just aren't what I was expecting. Oh well.

Love, MM


  1. A lot of the shades in this collection was meh to me as well. I only got Classic Camel and Ingrid, but Jitterbug looks pretty sweet here.

  2. Oh, it happens!!! I would have skipped a couple more but they are nice, anyway!

  3. I really like Ingrid, but I don't think I like it enough to buy it. I get what you're saying, though. I kind of built these up in my head, too, and now seeing them in pictures is kind of meh. But I don't know if you've seen the Anchors Away promo pics...those I'm hoping are good, too!

  4. Well.. I think they seem great, and can't wait to get them home! :)

    Really nice swatches, thanks

  5. I just got mine in and haven't tried them yet ~ hope these grow on you! =)

  6. I got mine but haven't worn then yet. I think I built them up in my head too cause when I saw the bottles I was like, "This is IT? Most aren't as amazing as I thought." I was more excited over the Royal Navy that I got in that package. Oh well, ChG got my money and that's what they want!

  7. cool colors! i love ur blog since i am currently obsessed with nail polish wich my family thinks is really weird.but oh well
